Fresh of the release of his EP launch, I stopped Nuno for a short interview to find out a little more about him. 1. So one day, Nuno woke up and said “hey, let me start producing” or what really happened? Haha, nah….used to fool around mixing on VIrtual DJ because it’s what I wanted…
Author: Yule Dark
Dont Wana Be You
Press Release Artist (s) : Dimension, King bayaa ft Lady Amzie Title : Don’t Wana Be You Produced & Arranged by : S.G Gina, A Mabaso, L.I Khambule, S.D Ntenza, B Dlamini Wrote & Perfomed By : Amanda “Lady Amzie” Zondo Publisher : Phat Kat Music “Don’t Wana Be You” is an emotional & motivational…
Searching For Love
Press Release Artist : Nuno (SEA) Track Name : Searching For Love EP Label : Something Different Records Cat No : SDR050 Release : 05.05.2014 For Something Different Records’ 50th release we welcome Nuno (SEA) to the family to make is debut release. Searching For Love in its original form is a soulful, jazzy keyed…
Olmeca feat Roger Goode
Olmeca Tequilla granted me tickets to attend their event featuring Roger Goode at Tiger Tiger in Fourways. I have to say, Tiger Tiger Fourways marketing strategy is very good. I mean, telling people shooters are R10 between 8pm – 11pm and also drinks are on a ” buy 1, get 1 free” special between 8pm…